How to Pick the Right Person for Happiness

Picking the right person for one’s mate is probably the most important thing we can do to insure the success of our relationship. It requires a knowledge of what to look for in what they do and say. It is important to seek someone whose behaviors are predictive of their understanding of what a relationship needs to succed. The key behaviors which are predictive of a person’s ability to have a successful relationship are honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness to work consistenly on the relationship. We believe that the roles of men and women are different and each genders willingness to line up with those roles as outlined in Ephesians Chapter 5 Verses 21-29 correlates with an increasing level of happiness and serenity in the relationship.

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For MenFor Women
Men, we suggest that you take a copy of Ephesians Chapter 5 Verses 21-29 with you and ask the woman that you are interested in to read it. Discuss it with her. Watch her reactions. If she gets an attitude of refusal – beware. She will not be able to be comfortable with her role and will not be able to allow you to be comfortable with your role. There will be constant power struggles and fights. She will not be able to allow you to love her the way she, in her hearts of hearts, wants to be loved. She will not be able to give you the respect that you will need as a man and the head of the family.

What to listen for
Listen for negativity or positiveness. It is the truth of a person’s soul. It will tell you if they see the world half empty or half full. Negativity steals joy. Joy from your heart and your relationship. A positive attitude will open all the doors for growth and joy. Be careful not to confuse negativity with low self esteem. Lots of women, good women, have been held as emotional hostages by bad men. They just need an Ephesians man to give them security wrapped in a blanket of romance to heal and to love.

What to look for
Look for a positive response to Ephesians. This says she is ready to give you your place as her man and allow you to love her in a way that will make for a satisfying relationship for both parties. Look for someone who enjoys life and smiles a lot. This speaks volumes about a person’s outlook on life and relationships. Someone who is open to new experiences will give you your greatest excitement as a man.

Women, we suggest that you take a copy of Ephesians Chapter 5 Verses 21-29 with you and ask the man that you are interested in to read it. Discuss it with him. Watch his reactions. If he gets an attitude of refusal – beware. He will not be able to be comfortable with his role and will not be able to allow you to be comfortable with your role. There will be constant power struggles and fights. He has not learned how to be an honorable man that you can follow and be proud of. He is not open to the basic truths of the secret corners of a woman’s heart and will not be able to cover you with security wrapped in a blanket of romance. He will not be able to love you the way you, as his woman, desires to be loved. He will not be able to give you the love and respect that you will need as his woman and the emotional center of the family.

What to listen for
Listen for negativity or positiveness. It is the truth of a person’s soul. It will tell you if they see the world half empty or half full. Negativity steals joy. Joy from your heart and your relationship. A positive attitude will open all the doors for growth and joy. Be careful not to confuse negativity with low self esteem. Lots of men, good men, have been beaten into submission and have given up trying to love women and be present for women as a result of the wrong information given them as men. They just need an Ephesians woman and The Secret Corners of A Woman’s Heart to take their place as your strong, loving man.

What to look for
Look for a positive response to Ephesians. This says he is ready to give you your place as his woman and allow you to love him in a way that will make for a satisfying relationship for both parties. Look for someone who enjoys life and smiles a lot. This speaks volumes about a person’s outlook on life and relationships. Someone who is open to new experiences will give you your greatest love as a woman.