Mycheall Hamlet and his two girls and one boy live outside of Tampa, Florida. He continues his twenty year work mentoring men on how to love women the way they want to be loved. The author enjoys a multitude of activities such as club dancing, writing, trail bike riding, traveling and designing his dream house. The author also enjoys, with his children, camping, swimming, fishing and adventures of any sort. Mycheall is currently supporting all the activities associated with the Secret Corners book and web site.
The author is currently designing his family’s dream mountain house, which he will be building in Puerto Rico. Mycheall is a Libra who is very committed to balance in both his home and relationships.

The author’s commitment to increasing the love between men and women grew out of his own frustration of a lack of information in his own life on how to love. The author had experienced a marriage that became a learning grounds instead of loving grounds. It became apparent to the author that this most basic information on how to love with passion, excitement, and integrity was not to be found anywhere in a complete, understandable and readable format. It was out of this need that Secret Corners of A Woman’s Heart was born.